The Effect of Niella sativa Linn. Ground Seed Extract on Cotton Pellet Induced Inflammation in Rats


Parveen S1 , Begum Z A2


The study was done to find out the anti-inflammatory effects of the ethanolic extract of ground seeds of Nigella swim in inflammed rats. The effect was compared with reference standard drugs aspirin and hydrocortisone. Chronic it was induced by implantation of a sterile cotton pellet in rut's groin region. Treatment with Nigella saliva extract at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight and at a dose of 500 mg/kg body weight orally daily for 14 days produced anti-inflammatory effect. The percentage of inhibition of granuloma formation were 19.30% and 41.42% respectively. Administration of aspirin and hydrocortisone for 14 days showed also anti-inflanunatoq effect and the percentage of inhibition of granuloma formation were 27.67% and 38.58% respectively.


  1. Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Professor of Teaching Methodology

    Center for Medical Education, Dhaka

Volume 15, Number 2 July 2010
Page: 19-23