Retroperitoneal Lymphangioma with Poly Cystic Ovary Disease: A diagnostic dilemma


Estee M M1 , Sayeed A2 , Khan S I3


Retroperitoneal cyst is a very rare, benign slowly growing developmental anomaly of lymphatic channel within the retroperitoneal space which commonly (>90%) manifests before the age of 2 years I. Approximately 1/6000 live born is affected with cystic lymphangioma where retroperitoneal space accounts only 5% cases2. The incidence of affecting retroperitoneal space is less than 1% of all lymphangiomas. The most frequently involved retro peritoneal cysts are in neck region (75%) & intra abdominal region is affected fewer than 5% in mesentery, Gastro intestinal tract (G1T), pancreas, spleen and liver3.

The patient may pose no symptoms most often. When cysts are large enough they produce abdominal distension, pain, fatigue, weight loss, hematuria or they can show features of complication (acute abdomen, pain, fever). Cysts are palpable when they are large and it is very difficult to diagnose a retroperitoneal cyst from other differentials by clinical examination. So imaging study is essential for getting some ideas about the space involvement and extension of the swelling and exploratory laparotomy with histopathology is done for confirmatory diagnosis.


  1. Intern Doctor, Department of Surgery

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Surgery

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  3. Register, Department of Surgery

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

Volume 26, Number 1 January 2017
Page: 34-37