Metastatic Seminoma Testis Presenting as a Lump in the Right Iliac Fossa


Khan Md. M R1


A 30 wars old young man presented with a paiond hoop the right Not lasso and fere, and he wax diagnosed to hove appendieular lamp. After surgem is was found to be a metastatic sernieloma. Later. exploration of the right testis revealed an occult seminotaa Semitionta is the commons, (40%1 germ cell tumour of the testis and occurs predominantly at 35.40 years of age. Moos common presentation is painless slowly growing 'unto! mass. 11 usually metastasices hoe commonly through lymphatic routes that run along testicular artery in the aortic and pi...aortic group of lymph nodes. and metastasis through hentaiogenous come is uncommon. Occasionally. secondary retroperitoneal deposits may be palpable. especially just above the umbilicus. This case is presented ms i, is not a comma.; presentation of scatinonta testis.


  1. Associate Professor, Deparumen of Surgery

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

Volume 7, Number 2 July 2006
Page: 47-50