Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Situs Inversus: Report of Two Cases


Khan M A W1 , Aziz M M2


Sinn inwrstos is an uncommon condition. Two patients with symptomatic gallstones with sifts inverstes undenvent laparoscopic cholesystectomy. One patient presented with features of acute cholecysthis and Me other i•ith chronic dyspepsia. Me surgeon stood on the right side of the patient and the monitor was placed on the other side. Port sites were exactly mirror image of the standard laparoscopic cholecystectonty. Per.operali•e and post-operative cosines of both of the patients weretorevensfid. Laparoscopic cholecystemoory sims inversus seems to be safe provided it is pi-gamed by an experienced laparoscopic surgeon. Little bit of dexterity would be advantageous.


Volume 9, Number 2 July 2007
Page: 42-44