Vitamin E Status and Lipid Profile in Acute Myocardial Infarction


Shwaihde A S El 1 , Giasuddin A S M 2 , Ziu M M 3


The presets study was designed to ionic the serum levels of vitamin E and lipids ITCh. Ms. HDL-C. LDL-C) and their relationships in acme myocardial it (AMI) patinas nl a particular geographical area such as Deena, Libya. Patients with AM! Bomber: 33, age range: 34-76 years; sex: 24 males. nine females) who were admitted to corona'', care unit (CCU). Al-Wanda Teaching Hospital, Dents, Libya and 28 normal controls (age range: 34-76 'wars: sew 17 males, II females) were included in the souk daring the period of February to A81, 2000. Blood samples were collected within twenty four hours of AM/ and subjected to routine haematological. biochemical (cardiac enzymes) and special biochemical (vitamin E, investigations. Blood samples from the controls were also subjected to the same investigations. Risk factors parcicularly smoking (Si), hypertension (HMO and diabetes mellitus (DM) were also noted. Semis levels of vitamin E. HOL-C were significantly lower in patients compared to controls, 'Mile serum levels of TCh, TGs and LDL-C were significantly higher hi patients. Significant proportion of the patients had lower plasma vitamin S and HDL-C levels. while serum TCh and LDL-C. but not TGs levels were higher in significant proportion of the patient. Plumb: E kiwis in the subjects and in three sabgroups of patients correlated negatimly nvitb TCh levels. Similar negative correlations in the whole group and subgroups ofpatients were also observed between vitamin E and LDL-C levels. A positive my-elation was observed between To, and LDL-C levels M the subjects as well as in all the subgroups. The data showed that the antioxidant vitamin 5, lipids and lipoproteins are closely associated with each other, and control of one might in ike,. the others. These also stressed the need for the control of both dietary intakes and onus lipids an and TGs) in order to have elevated antioxidants and HDL-C kiwis and lower LDL-C tem(' all of which are beneficial in protecting against AML.


  1. Department of Biochemistry. Faculty of Medicine

    University of Garyorumis, Benghazi, Libya

  2. Professor of Biochemistry & Immunology

    Medical College tor Women & Hospital, Utara, Dhaka

  3. Department of Biochemistry. Faculty of Medicine

    University of Garyorumis, Benghazi, Libya

Volume 11, Number 2 July 2008
Page: 45191