Posterior Decompression and Stabilization at L5-S1 Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Grade -1 with Pedicle Screw


Hasan ASM Q1 , Islam Md. N2


Degenerative spondylolisthesis with spinal menosis isCCHIHIOII in elderly patients. When symptomatic. the resultant neurogenic claudication often leads to a diminished quality of life. A nonsurgical approach is an appropriate first step. After failure of nonsurgical step, posterior decompression and instrumentation may be indicated in the treanneni of scion: cases of Li-SI spondylolisthesis. The lechnique involves proper decompression with :he placement of cortical screws from the hose of the articular process of Si to the pedicle of LS. This study evaluates the anatomical applications and clinical results of this technique. In ibis case. the patient urns relieved of cludication pain with redicidopathy after surgical intervention. Na comfit:talons due to screw placement occurred. It is concludrvl that this procedure can be used safely and reliably for the spondykdisthesis of LS- SI with the help of fluroscope. The procedure is technically demanding and should be limited to those surgeons who are comfortable with die method.


  1. Assistant Professor. Department of Neurosurgery

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Assistant: Professor. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

Volume 13, Number 2 July 2009
Page: 45-47