Microalbuminuria in Ischaemic Stroke and its Relationship with Neurological Defects

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47648/jmsr.2010.v1502.03

Chowdhury S S1 , Mehdi T2 , Alam F3 , Ishrat R4 , Parveen S5 , Khan S6


Stroke is Me third common cause of death in developed countries. Ischaernic stroke accounts for about 83 percent of all cases. For ischaemic stroke, besides modifiable and nononodifiable risk factors. there are some potential nosy risk factors which include mieroalbuminuria. Site objective of this study was to observe the association of microalbuminuria with isehaemic stroke and as well as consequent neurological deficits. This cross sectional study was done among 100 diagnosed patients of ischaeoric stroke of both sexes. A structured questionnaire and checklist was used to collect data through face to face interview. Urinary microalbuminuria was mesured in all study subjects and assessment of necrological defects was done by modified Ranakin scale. The study revealed that the frequency of presence of microallmminteria was significantly high in ischaernic stroke. Higher the level of mieroalburninuria higher was the necrological deficit. So, microalbunrinuria may be a marker for the process to develop the ischamnic stroke.


  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry

    Dhaka Community Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Assistant Professor. Department of Biochemistry

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka

  3. Associate Professor, Departmem of Biochemistry

    Dhaka Community Medical College, Dhaka

  4. Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry

    Kumudini Women’s Medical College. Mirzapur

  5. Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry

    Dhaka Community Medical College, Dhaka

  6. Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry

    Addin Women’s Medical College, Dhaka

Volume 15, Number 2 July 2010
Page: 15-18