Practice of Breast Feeding Under Two Years Children Amoung Mothers in a Selected Slum of Dhaka City


Bhuiyan Md. M1 , Shoaib N2 , Begum M3 , Khan Md. S H4 , Nasreen A5 , Mazid A6 , Anwar K S7


A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted among 240 mothers who had children under two years. Mean age of tlw resputulou was 26.73 years. Most of the mother (60.83%) had dtildren tuuler the age group of 6 months. Fifty three pen.ent respondent and their husbands (47.92%) completed primary level of education and monthly im.onte of them was within 5000-10000 !aka in 39.17% (teases. Most of the respondent (78%) thought that breast milk was most safe food for baby and 82% knew what colostrum was. Only 35% of respondents acquired knowledge about breast feeding from donor and health workers and 32% of mothers thought supplementaty foods should start at the age of 3 months. but .19% of mothers started giving supplementary foods at age of 6 months. It was seen that among breast feed children 51% of them frequently felt sick. Majority of the respondent's children (33%) suffered from common cold and cough and 22% suffered front diarrhoea! diseases. Even after a huge mass publicities and mobilization for many years to promote exclusive breast feeding. only 27% mothers know the duration of exclusive breast-feeding correctly as 6 months. Thus it is obvious that there is a large knowledgesto-pradice gap.


  1. Professor, Department of Pacdiattics

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Lecturer, Department of Community Malivins

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  3. Assistant Professur, Depastment of Community Medicine

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  4. Professor and Head. Department of Community Medicine

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital

  5. Associate Professor. Deparment of Community Medicine

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  6. Assistant Professor. Department of Community Medicine

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  7. Assistant Profadsor, Department of Community Medicine

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

Volume 17, Number 2 July 2011
Page: 45183