Prevalence of HBsAg Positive Cases in Pregnant Women


Akhter S1 , Sultana K2 , Begum R A3


With the objective to determine the 1lBsAg status among the hospital patient in Ohs and Cyrus' Department of 11FRCMCIL Dhaka, a total 300 patients were purposively *selected fmm the Obs and Gpme Deparnnent of this hospital. It was found that 12% were HasAg positive examining blood sample by ELLSA test. linsAg positive cases were more among those who had history of previous surgery among the patient who might have exposed to hepatitis II virus during their disease or treatment, tooth extraction, had received blood Or blood products, first aid and innind dressing, had parentend drug addiction. Sindlczrly the positive cases were more among those who had palpable liver, spleen, had ascitis, had given vaccination inwroperly, or not given against 1181/. and who had reliable history of:jaundice. Though there was greater percentage of HnsAg positive cases among low family incom• grew and illiterate.


  1. Resident, Deparment of 9 Obstetrics and Gynaccology

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Associate professor, Department of Obsicirics and Ciynaecology

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  3. Professor and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

Volume 19, Number 2 July 2012
Page: 26-32