Pattern of Homicidal Death among the Post-Mortem Cases in a Metropolitan City of Bangladesh


Hossain Z1 , Mannan M2 , Islam MMU3 , Kabir HM4 , Mahmud S5


Homicide means killing one human being by another humafilt is a global problem and has significant consequence for both social and economic security of the people as well as national development This study warmed to describe patterns of the homicidal behavior in a major metropolitan area. Dhaka city and the relationships among socio-demographic characteristics. This was a cross-sectional study during the period of July 2017 to June 2018 in the Department of Forensic Medicine, Dhaka Medical College. A total number of 935 cases wereautopsied during the period,of which 319 cases were included in the study as homicidaldeath. All the inquest reports and the challan were read through along with post-mortem reports during the study period. The data were collected during the autopsy as well as from the registration books (Govt. records.) in the department of Forensic Medicine, Dhaka Medical College.Out of 319 homicidal death, 227cases were above the age of 30 years (71.15 % of the total cases),233 cases were male (73.04 %) and 86 were female (26.95 %) whereas considering religion, the majority were Muslim 287 in number (89.20%) and the rest were other religion. According to the types of wound 198 cases were stab and eta-throat, 81 cases were strangulation, 32cases were firearm injury & the 08 cases were suffocated The majority of deceased resulting from stab and cut-throat injuries and those were above 30 years of age group. The most of homicidal death occurred among the young age group which is very alarming to the society and for the nation. So, we should be aware enough to prevent such cases.


  1. Lecturer of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Lecturer of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  3. Assistant Director

    Directorate General Medical Education, Mohakhali. Dhaka

  4. Professor and Head of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

    Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka

  5. Professor and Head of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

    Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka

Volume 31, Number 2 July 2019
Page: 32-35